
Caring for Asian Children Resource

eCALD Supplementary Resources

Resources for health providers

The following are cultural and language appropriate information and services available to CALD families.


Description and contact details

Asian Family Services

Asian Family Services provides a one-stop-shop service to the Asian community through culturally and linguistically appropriate face to face and telephone counselling services, social work and peer support for Asian family service users. See website:

AFS offers services in English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean, Vietnamese, Japanese and Thai. An interpreter can be arranged for other languages. All staff are trained counsellors and social workers.

Address: 128 Khyber Pass Rd, Grafton, Auckland 1023.

Mailing address: PO Box 8021, Symonds St, Auckland 1150

Hours: 9.00am-8.00pm Mon-Fri

Phone: (0800) 862 342 or (0800) 664 262

Professionally Trained Interpreters

  • DHB staff have access to professionally trained interpreters such as:
  • Auckland Interpreter Service (ADHB).
  • Interpreting and Translation Service (CMDHB).
  • Waitemata Auckland Translation & Interpreting Service (WATIS).
  • Language Line (National).
  • Interpreting NZ Service Wellington.
  • See website:
  • All primary care organisations and general practitioners and primary care organisations (eg Independent midwives, Plunket, Birthcare, Family Planning) in the Auckland region have access to free telephone and face to face interpreting services. 
    • Auckland Interpreter Service (ADHB).
    • Interpreting and Translation Service (CMDHB).
    • Waitemata Auckland Translation & Interpreting Service (WATIS).

Shine (Safer Homes in NZ Everyday): support and Safe House accommodation for victims of domestic abuse

Shine offers a national toll-free Helpline (0508-744-633) that operates 7 days/week, from 9am to 11pm, which is staffed by trained professionals. Shine Safety First Advocates in Auckland Central and North shore offer support and advocacy for women and children who have experienced abuse. Shine Safe House offers safe and supportive accommodation for women and children on Auckland’s North shore. KIDshine offers support specifically for children who have experienced domestic abuse.

Wellbeing Charitable Trust

(for Chinese families)

A Chinese social media and support service for Chinese migrant families who have:

- Issues with managing a newborn after birth.

- Feeling isolated during pregnancy or immediately after birth.

- Parenting issues.

For more information see the website:

Parents can join the social media support group via:

WECHAT: via evachen_118

Contact Person:

Eva Chen: Chief Executive Officer 

Postal Addres: P O BOX 41236, St Lukes, Auckland 1025.

Mobile: 022 632 1053 | WECHAT: nzcpsst.

Umma Trust for families from Muslim and Refugee backgrounds

Social and Community Support for families from Muslim and Refugee backgrounds (see website: UMMA Trust provides CYFS accredited social work support for women and families, as well as support groups.

To refer a person or family please contract UMMA Trust by email or telephone 09 815-0153.

Address: 830 New North Road, Mt Albert, Auckland 1025.

Hours: 9:30am - 4:30pm Monday – Friday.

Parents as First Teachers (PAFT)

A flexible home based programme which works with parents, caregivers and family from 0-3 years. This programme recognises parents as their child’s most important first teacher.

Preventing, Dealing and Complaining about Race-Related Bullying

All schools have policies regarding preventing and dealing with bullying.

Ministry of Education has published information for schools on how to prevent bullying or dealing effectively with bullying if it occurs on their school. Website:

When assault or cyber bullying is involved, it is a criminal matter, police should be notified. Every region in New Zealand has ethnic police liaison officers. Ethnic Liaison officers are advertised on the police website

A complaint can be made to the Race Relations Conciliator Office - Human Rights Commission for race-related discrimination and bullying issues:

Midwifery services for Afghan women

Shaqaiak Masomi speaks Dari and is from an Afghani background.

Auckland DHB- Maternity Services.

Disability Connect

Disability Connect offers families with children with disabilities information and advice about the services and supports available to children, young people and their families. The service has cross-cultural support workers and uses interpreters for non-English speaking parents.

Contact details:

  • Phone (09) 636 0351
  • Facsimile (09) 636 0354

Physical Address

  • 3B Olive Road (up driveway), Penrose, Auckland 1061.

Postal Address

  • PO Box 13 385, Onehunga, Auckland 1643.

CALD Cultural Case Workers

Some DHBs have cultural case worker roles as part of their Child and Family Services and Child Development Services. Check with local service providers for contact details and referral guidelines.

Translated Information

You will find a range of translated brochures and information and useful websites. Go to

In Australia, the NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service acts as a clearing-house for all health-related multilingual resources. Resources may be accessed online ( Multilingual resources and publications are available. Translated resources are in 43 different languages. The website is updated monthly and resources are downloadable in pdf format.

Family Therapy Services for vulnerable children/young people 0-17 yo

Stand Children Services offer family therapy services for the most vulnerable children/young people aged 0-17 years of age (including unborns) from maltreatment /exposure to chronic trauma and to support their recovery from that exposure and enhance their wellbeing.

List of Asian and Refugee services

You will find a list of other Asian and Refugee services information here.

Useful websites

eCALD® Services (2016). Courses and Resources.

New Zealand Immigration (2016). New Zealand Refugee Quota Programme. Wellington: New Zealand Immigration, MBIE. Retrieved from: Download Refugee Quota factsheets on major refugee groups currently being resettled in New Zealand including: Afghanistan, Colombia. Myanmar, Rohingya, Sri Lanka and Syria.

Cultural Profiles in New Zealand. New Zealand Peoples. http://www.TeAra.govt.

Queensland Health (2016) Multicultural Health.

Children’s Mercy Family Health Partners (2010) Cross-Cultural Health Care Resource Guide.

Ethnomed (2016). Pediatric Patient Education Topics. Available at: University of Washington: Harbourview Medical Center.

SPIRAL (Selected Patient Information in Asian Languages) (2016).

Resources for consumers


Description and website

Maternity Service Consumer Council

The Maternity Service Consumer Council (MSCC) has information available on maternity care in New Zealand “Choices for Childbirth” translated into 11 languages including: Arabic, Burmese, Farsi, Japanese, Korean and Simplified Chinese.

The resources can be ordered from: or P O Box 21 695, Henderson 0650, Auckland.

Information on postnatal depression

A booklet “Emotional Health during Pregnancy and Early Childbirth”, translated into Chinese, Arabic and Afghan-Dari is available for download from the beyondblue website at:




Parenting information including children with special needs

The tākai website is a tool to help parenting organisations and parents with positive parenting. Strategies with Kids - Information for Parents provides support, information and parenting strategies for parents and caregivers of children up to 5 years old.

The tākai website has resources in multiple languages including: Arabic, English, Te Reo Maori, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional),Cook Island Maori, Farsi, Fijian, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Nepali, Portuguese, Punjabi, Samoan, Spanish, Thai, Tongan, Vietnamese.

Topics include Jealousy and fighting, Managing behaviour, Children with special needs, Ages and stages, Tantrums and temperament, Tips on stress etc.

Korean/Chinese videos for parents of children with disabilities

Seven videos introduce parents to the New Zealand disability sector.

The videos have been recorded in English and produced in three versions with English, Korean and simplified Chinese subtitles. They follow an age-related, progressive format, so that parents can watch them individually or one after another.

They cover a variety of topics on health and disability, education and social supports which families may be eligible for. The videos include power point slides with basic explanations and links to useful websites.

The videos are available on YouTube and Vimeo. The YouTube version can be accessed through the Disability Connect website and on the Chinese website

Disability Connect:

Information for Parents of children with disabilities

Disability Support Guide

This free support guide is designed to help parents and families of children and young people who have been recently diagnosed with a disability. The booklet aims to help families navigate their way throughout the disability sector, and sheds some light on the roles of the various ministries and organisations involved in the sector including Ministries of Health, Education, Social Development, Work & Income, CYFs and Non-Government Organisations. Included is information on some supports which families may be eligible for. There is also information on disability policy and legislation in New Zealand.

The disability sector can be complicated to understand so this over-arching guidebook may be useful to families regardless of the age of their loved one.

To order your free copy of the Disability Support Guide, please email Disability Connect on , or call us on 636 0351. The Disability Support guide is now available in English, and Simplified Chinese, Korean and Arabic.


Click here for Simplified Chinese version.

Click here for Korean version.

Click here for Arabic version.

Translated Breastfeeding-Beginners Guide

Breastfeeding-Grandparents guide

The Breastfeeding-Beginners Guide is translated into: Chinese/ Mandarin and Thai.

The Breastfeeding- Grandparents Guide is translated into: Chinese/ Mandarin.

Downloadable from:

B4 School Check: Information for Parents and Guardians pamphlet

B4 School Check: Information for Parents and Guardians pamphlet.

Available in English, Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Hindi, Korean, Maori, Samoan, Tongan: Ministry of Health (HP4690).

Parents Guide e-booklet

Parent’s Guide e-booklet.

Beginnings Guides (USA).

Available in English or Spanish: