Attitudes to modes of birth

Maternal Health for CALD Women Resource

eCALD Supplementary Resources

Vaginal birth

Women from CALD backgrounds may raise some concerns regarding vaginal birth after a previous caesarean section. In some overseas health systems, previous caesarean section could be considered an indication for a repeat caesarean section. It is important that it is clearly explained to women that in most cases successful vaginal birth can be achieved safely for both mother and baby following ceserean section. The woman may require additional explanation in order to make an informed choice.

Women with female genital mutilation considering vaginal birth may require de-infibulation and afterbirth vulvae restructuring procedures (refer to Female Genital Mutilation section 6 for details).

General practical advice
(Adapted from Queensland Health Multicultural Services, 2009)

  • Provide the woman with a qualified female interpreter if needed.
  • Inform the woman about:
    • Suspected complications of the pregnancy and how they may affect the birth.
    • The New Zealand model for providing antenatal care.
    • Same gender policy during routine visits and explain that this is not always possible and why.
    • The purpose of the birthing unit admission and possible interventions, if required.
  • Ensure that cultural and religious dietary requirements are met (eg halal, vegetarian).